How a family divides tasks to address gender inequities

| March 28, 2024

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In this edition, just like the three featured stories, our Script of the Week delves into the topic of unpaid care.

Unpaid care work involves caregiving and domestic tasks performed without pay within households or communities, primarily benefiting its members. It falls into three categories: household maintenance, care of household members, and community assistance, with common tasks including cooking, cleaning, and caregiving for children and the elderly. Despite both genders being capable of these tasks, women predominantly shoulder these responsibilities, impacting their time for social activities, economic engagement, self-improvement, and education. This unequal distribution contributes significantly to gender disparities and social inequalities.

This script aims to explore unpaid care work’s various effects on families and communities, highlighting both the challenges and positive outcomes when caregiving duties are evenly distributed. It advocates for shared responsibilities to promote gender equality and counter traditional roles, featuring interviews with a gender activist, a family therapist, a mother responsible for unpaid care, a single mother of a child with learning disabilities, and a supportive family man.

If you choose to use this script as inspiration for creating your own program, you could talk to women who are involved in unpaid care and people who work with women’s rights organizations.

You could ask them:

  • How does sharing unpaid care tasks create a more balanced and fulfilling life for women and for families, benefiting everyone?
  • What can households do to share responsibilities and fairly tackle gender inequalities in the household?
: How a family divides tasks to address gender inequities