Agroecological agriculture in Tanzania

| December 8, 2023

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This edition’s story from Uganda highlights a variety of practices that regenerate degraded soils, stop soil erosion, increase yields, and conserve the natural environment. Practices included in agroecological agriculture achieve the same objectives. 

In Tanzania, adopting ecologically sustainable agricultural (agroecological) practices could help at least two million men, women, and youth to be food secure and resilient to climate change.

In these radio spots, listeners will learn about different ecologically-sustainable practices and how they can adopt them on their farms. These spots are based on information from Tanzania, but can be adapted and broadcast in any farming area. 

The topics of the spots include:

  1.  Using agroecological farm inputs
  2.  Making and applying manure
  3.  Making plant tea or foliar booster
  4.  Preparing the farm ecologically
  5.  Intercropping
  6.  Mixed farming
  7.  Crop mutualism
  8.  Ecological pest and disease management
  9.  Agroforestry practices
  10.  Cover crops
  11.  Water harvesting techniques
  12.  Agroecological farming
  13.  Maintaining soil fertility in agroecological ways
  14.  Benefits of compost manure
  15.  Reducing soil erosion
  16.  Recommended manure management and application

The spots vary in length from about 45-60 seconds and could be played multiple times during all programs related to farming.

They could also be played at other times when farmers are listening, especially during important times in the farming calendar.

Please note that the individual spots stand alone, and farmers can choose the practices they prefer on their farms. Agroecological agriculture in Tanzania