PARM stories challenge

| October 13, 2023

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PARM (Platform for Agricultural Risk Management) invites journalists and media professionals from around the world to participate in the PARM Stories Challenge by creating a compelling video that highlights the stories of rural farmers who have developed innovative initiatives to manage agricultural risks and improve their own resilience.

The video should explore the challenges farmers face, their innovative solutions, and the positive impact on their productivity and the sustainability of agri-food in their community and / or beyond.

Particular attention should be paid to women, youth, and other vulnerable communities.

The three winning videos will be presented at an international event, as will the winning journalists. In addition, the winning videos will be promoted on the institutional platforms of PARM, FARM-D, and Africa 21.

The first winner will also visit one or more PARM / IFAD operational countries to gain direct experience of the projects and activities of the United Nations in the field of agricultural risk management, and can produce an additional video with PARM / IFAD beneficiaries.

The application deadline is Nov. 18, 2023. For more information, go to: