Notes to broadcasters on biogas

    | June 20, 2011

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    Biogas refers to the gas, made up mostly of methane, produced when animal manure breaks down in anaerobic conditions – in other words, when oxygen is not present. Biogas can be used as energy for light and cooking in rural domestic settings. It is a renewable energy and makes good use of locally available resources. Biogas burns more cleanly than firewood or charcoal, and lessens dependence on these resources. However, a sufficient supply of raw materials, usually animal manure, is needed. It is therefore usually only suitable for households with a minimum of two cattle or seven pigs. The initial cost of installing a biogas system can be too high for many small-scale farmers. Biogas systems come in many designs and sizes.

     For more detailed explanations of how biogas systems work, visit:  and

    Two recent news stories about biogas and energy from Rwanda:

    -Rwanda: Minister Promotes Use of Energy-Efficient Stoves

    -Rwanda: Local Companies Win Entrepreneurial Awards See also:

    Tanzania has its own biogas website:  and many other countries have shown an interest, for example, Ghana:

    We hope this story inspires you to look at the potential of biogas in your broadcast region. You could begin to research the topic by finding out if there are any organizations or government departments that promote biogas locally. They may be able to direct you to farmers who have installed and are using biogas systems. Here are some questions you could ask farmers or support organizations:

    -What are the technical requirements for a domestic biogas system? For example, how much space is needed and what quantity of raw materials is needed each day? What type of materials can be used?

    -What is the total cost of installation? How does this cost break down? Is there any way of reducing the cost by using alternative materials or family labour? Are any subsidies or grants available?

    -How has the biogas system changed the family’s life? Have there been any negative impacts?

    -Briefly outline the advantages and challenges of a domestic biogas system.