How do I make a science news story for radio?

    | June 14, 2010

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    Radio programs that highlight science news stories are useful tools for broadcasters. Science news can take various forms: the latest scientific discovery, an announcement of a conference, or someone trying out a new idea.

    Martin Redfern, a senior producer from the BBC Radio Science Unit, has created a short guide to science news for radio, entitled: “How do I make a science news story for radio?”

    The guide is easy to read and describes what is unique about making science news for radio programs. It includes the following sections:

    -getting to know the listener
    -finding a story
    -placing a story
    -recording an interview
    -editing, packaging, and producing
    -editing techniques
    -writing for radio
    -speaking for radio
    -technical matters

    The guide can be found at: