AGFAX Radio provides audio interview packages

    | March 10, 2008

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    A British multimedia production company called WRENmedia produces interview packages aimed at providing African and Asian radio stations with useful and interesting materials. AGFAX interviews can be downloaded free of change at, or can be mailed (free of charge) in CD or cassette form to registered members. In addition to audio interviews, AGFAX supplies suggested introductions as well as contacts for further information. Full transcripts are also provided for those who may wish to edit a script or translate it into a local language. Interviews in the March 2008 package focus on: the impact of post-election violence on the Kenyan horticulture industry; the value of indigenous agricultural knowledge; the use of agricultural lands to grow food crops; and methods of increasing yields on small plots. AGFAX has also produced packages on the themes Africa’s Entrepreneurs: Farmer Innovations and Biofuels for Africa.