Tanzanian Farmers Succeed With Co-operative Cashew Growing Plan

    | August 20, 2012

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    Cashews are mainly grown by small-scale farmers on small parcels of land. In Tanzania, they are mostly grown in the coastal lowlands. Various problems, including plant diseases and worsening market conditions, have greatly hurt the Tanzanian cashew industry in recent years. But, over the last decade, cashews have made a comeback in Tanzania.

    As this script outlines, and as shown in this week’s story from Senegal, there are many elements that contribute to cashew growers making a good living. The script details the following requirements: belonging to an effective farmers’ group, following best management practices, and collaborating with other parts of the cashew industry, including processors.

    This script describes a successful collaboration between a cashew farmers’ group in southern Tanzania, an international NGO and a cashew processor. Working together with the whole “supply chain” – from farmer to processor – has brought the farmers improved incomes, greater security, and hope for the future.
