Putting worms to work for you

| December 21, 2015

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Our script of the week shares a common theme with our story from Madagascar: worms!

Farmers have always known that the earthworms in their fields improve the soil. But you can also grow earthworms in containers where they turn farm and kitchen waste into rich compost to feed your plants.

Growing earthworms is called vermiculture. It is a fast and simple way to get free fertilizer for your crops and get rid of garbage at the same time. You do not need any special materials for it, and you can make as much or as little compost as you choose. It just depends on what you need and how much space you can spare.

Farmers in many parts of the world cultivate earthworms, but the methods they use differ from place to place. At the University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore, India, two scientists have developed a method especially for tropical regions. It turns waste into compost in 2 to 4 weeks. Farmers who have used this compost fertilizer say it helps them grow healthy crops with fewer pests.

This method is being used not only on farms but even in the city. If properly done, the process is completely odour-free. It is a good way to get rid of garbage and help keep the environment clean.

One of the scientists who developed this method describes it in detail in the script.
