Eat garlic for good health

| September 7, 2015

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Our story from Uganda talks about hibiscus, and suggests that one of the reasons that growing and selling hibiscus is a good way to earn cash is that eating it as a food, or drinking juice or tea made from its pods, has a positive effect on human health.

Our Script of the week talks about another food that is a natural medicine.

Did you know that every time you go to the garden, you might be walking by a plant that can be used as a medicine? We’re talking about garlic. Garlic has been used medicinally for thousands of years—and it’s helping to cure illness today. One of the best things about garlic is that it’s cheap; you can even grow it yourself.

This script describes how to make four simple garlic remedies.

The first helps treat colds and coughs. The second helps prevent heart disease. The third remedy helps you get rid of intestinal parasites such as worms. The fourth is for cleaning wounds.

These four simple remedies have helped many people. But no medicine works all the time for everyone. People with health concerns should consult their local health worker as well as trying these remedies.