Web-based resources for reporting on women and women’s rights

    | March 31, 2014

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    In September 2013, the Congolese women’s rights NGO, Union Congolaise des Femmes des Médias, conducted a study to find out how women were represented in the print and broadcast media in the DRC.

    The results are presented in a new guide: L’image de la femme dans les médias en RDC.

    The guide aims to educate journalists and other media professionals on the positive role they can play in promoting equality between women and men.

    The first part of the guide presents case studies, to illustrate both correct practices (dos) and incorrect practices (don’ts) when presenting the perspective of women and gender equality. The second part of the guide provides practical recommendations for journalists to help eradicate sexist stereotypes and promote healthy inter-gender relations based on equality and mutual respect in their daily work.

    The guide is available for download online, in French only, in PDF format. You can find it here: http://rdc-humanitaire.net/attachments/article/4143/UCOFEM%20-%20Guide%20du%20journaliste%20au%2026%20novembre%202013.pdf

    Also available, through the UK’s Guardian newspaper website is an interactive, country-by-country guide to women’s rights.

    Which countries have laws preventing violence? Which legislate for gender equality? Which countries allow abortion? World Bank and UN data provide a snapshot of women’s rights across the globe. You can select a region and investigate how each country has legislated for women’s rights in terms of violence, harassment, abortion, property and employment rights, discrimination and equality.

    The webpage, available only in English, can be reached at this link: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/ng-interactive/2014/feb/04/womens-rights-country-by-country-interactive