FRI Broadcaster-how-to document: How to find useful and reliable information about farming on the Internet

| June 29, 2015

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The huge amount of information available on the Internet creates new opportunities for broadcasters to find specific and reliable information. But it also creates new challenges in terms of deciding what is accurate or relevant and what is not. For example, by entering the word string “improved traditional poultry farming” in a search engine, we find more than a million very diverse web pages.

Included among these results are:

  • media articles on the theme
  • practical manuals, technical sheets, and photos about improved traditional poultry farming
  • pages unrelated to the theme, where the words “improved,” ”traditional,” ”poultry,” and “farming”   appear in a random way

How can a broadcaster avoid getting lost in such an enormous volume of information? How can broadcasters ensure that the information they find is reliable? Which websites regularly publish reliable information on farm-related topics? How can broadcasters rewrite this information in language that is understandable by farming audiences? And what can broadcasters when they find conflicting information?

Help is at hand in How to find useful and reliable information about farming on the Internet. The broadcaster how-to is divided into five parts.

Part one briefly describes strategies for finding, organizing and sharing information or “content” on the Internet.

Part two suggests some methods to ensure that the information you find on the Internet is reliable.

Part three provides a list of organizations and websites that are known to be reliable.

Part four offers some tips on how to deal with conflicting information.

Part five offers practical advice on how to translate technical farming language into words and phrases that are understandable by farmer audiences.