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Farm Radio Resource Pack #114

Last week, Farm Radio International published its latest Farm Radio Resource Pack – #114! This Pack features ten items—three Broadcaster how-to guides (BH2s), three interview scripts, three backgrounders, and one series of spots. As always, the Pack focuses on a range of farming, health, and training topics that respond to the needs of farm broadcasters and rural residents in many parts of Africa.

All three of our BH2s focus on broadcasting skills that are vitally important during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first covers fake news. As we all know, fake news is everywhere during the coronavirus pandemic. This BH2 explains how to recognize fake news and suggests ways that broadcasters can serve their audience by, first, not spreading fake news, and second, taking actions to respond to it. Our second BH2 provides guidance on how broadcasters can stay safe while continuing to broadcast during the COVID-19 pandemic. It discusses the many kinds of precautions broadcasters need to take while in the studio and when doing live interviews. The third BH2 focuses on how broadcasters can work remotely. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s not always possible or wise to broadcast from the studio. But radio stations can still serve their audience. This BH2 provides details on how to continue broadcasting from a home office or other remote site.

Pack 114 includes a script from Nigeria on how to address the worst enemy of the Irish potato farmer: the disease called late blight. We also have a script from Kenya with detailed information on methods farmers can use to market their products. Our third script comes to us from Zambia and focuses on some of the ways that farmers can add value to their produce.

The first of our three backgrounders talks about nutrition. It introduces basic nutritional concepts, shows how each kind of nutrient functions in the body, lists sources of important nutrients, and talks about the special dietary needs associated with conditions such as diabetes. The second backgrounder presents information on the availability and use of contraceptives in schools in Burkina Faso. It details the various contraceptive methods, talks about barriers to contraceptive use, and presents some of the consequences of not using contraceptives. The third backgrounder presents information on reforestation activities in the Kolda region of Senegal, but the information is widely applicable throughout Africa.

Finally, our series of spots on locusts cover a wide variety of topics—spots that provide basic information about locusts, spots that give information on how to protect your health when spraying is happening, and many other topics.

Access all of these resources here: http://scripts.farmradio.fm/radio-resource-packs/ [1]