Take Farm Radio’s survey about our resources

| November 9, 2020

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Over the past six months, Farm Radio International has been sharing resources and services to help our broadcasting partners address the COVID-19 crisis. We would like to get your feedback on these resources and services so that we can improve them. Please take our survey to share your feedback. https://survey.zohopublic.com/zs/YSCNc0

There are about 20 questions on page 1 of this survey, and an additional 15 on page 2 of this survey. It should take you 30 – 45 minutes to complete.

Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a draw to receive one of 5 prizes of $50 CA in mobile credit. You must respond to all of the questions relevant to you in order to be entered into the draw. The deadline to complete the survey is Nov. 25, 2020.

Please note that we will continue to produce resources that address the COVID-19 crisis. This is an ongoing crisis that will shape a new reality and ways of working for months and perhaps years to come. Look for these new resources in our resource packs and in Barza Wire, shared by email and WhatsApp.