Mark your calendars: Barza Discussion on interactive radio in February 2017

| December 19, 2016

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Do you use text messages to interact with your listeners during live radio shows? Do you phone farmers so you can broadcast their opinions about important agricultural topics on air? Are you looking for creative ways to reach farmers who live far from your radio station?

In February 2017, Farm Radio International will be hosting a Barza Discussion on interactive radioand all African broadcasters are invited to participate.

Whether you’re a pro at interacting with your listeners or need ideas on how to make your shows more interactive, this e-discussion is for you!

We will share some best practices during the e-discussion. But, ultimately, this is an opportunity for you to speak with other African broadcasters about creative solutions for making a great interactive radio show.

If you’re interested in this e-discussion and want to know how to participate, let us know here: