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Farm Radio International offers new COVID-19 support funds in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Senegal

FRI is now offering COVID-19 support f unds to radio stations that wish to create and broadcast programs on COVID-19. Eligible stations must be located and legally registered in Burkina Faso, Mali, or Senegal, specifically within the following regions targeted in the Scaling Her Voice project (Boucle du Mouhoum and Hauts Bassins in Burkina Faso; Sikasso and Ségou in Mali; and Matam and Kolda in Senegal).

If your application is successful, your station will receive a grant of up to $2,500 Canadian dollars, based on the cost of the planned programming.

The funds must be used to create and broadcast programs on COVID-19 with 1) essential, 2) gender-specific, and 3) accurate information. Programs may include campaigns, spots, interviews, dramas, and other types of programming .

No material purchases are allowed. Telephone and internet credit is permitted.

To benefit from the support fund, your radio station must :

Your application must include:

You must submit your application by filling out the appropriate application form for your country :

Burkina Faso: https://forms.gle/7Ec7gdxhwEkp5VK27

Mali: https://forms.gle/RcpNe9djGrvKqQJZ7

Senegal: https://forms.gle/SCnPMX3kjEVMWT7Q8

A radio station can submit only one application. The deadline to apply is January 22, 2021.